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Projects 131 to 140 of 663

A diachronic analysis of language in mental health records

Language changes over time, and the way in which mental health conditions are referred to is no exception. Analysing this change in mental health records will better help us understand how Read more >

Violence experiences and clinical outcome in severe mental illnesses

Making use of new natural language processing algorithms for ascertaining experiences of violence in CRIS text, we will investigate whether these are associated with worse clinical outcomes in people shortly after Read more >

HIV and mental illness

Previous research shows that the prevalence of HIV in people with mental illness is higher than the general population. This project will use the CRIS HIV NLP application (ascertaining mentions of Read more >

Study investigating whether bleeding events requiring hospitalisation are associated with higher prior use of medication known to have this side effect.

SSRI antidepressants and some other psychotropic medications are known to increase risk of bleeding events but medications for other conditions may also be relevant. This retrospective study will investigate hospitalised bleeding Read more >

Kidney disease in People receiving Mental Health Care

It has been documented that individuals with severe mental illness are at higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease. This project will investigate the link between kidney disease and severe mental Read more >

Improving capture of violence events and experiences using natural language processing

Experiences and acts of violence are clearly important issues in mental health but are not well captured in the structured fields of electronic records; instead, they are described in text which Read more >

Evaluation of Self-Harm Service

We do not have evidence to show know how people who have had talking treatments for self-harm change in their use of mental or physical health services. Using CRIS we intend Read more >

Providing information on QTc recording in SLaM services

QTc is a measure derived from ECG recordings which has become increasingly important to monitor in people on certain medications for mental health symptoms, particularly antipsychotic drugs. We have recently developed Read more >

Comparing patient journeys and treatment access for adolescents and young adults with first-episode psychosis

People diagnosed with psychosis in adolescence often have poorer outcomes than those diagnosed in adulthood. This project aims to better understand this discrepancy by examining patient journeys and treatment access for Read more >

Mixed methods evaluation of the impact of the shift to remote consultation in primary and secondary care in London

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many face-to-face meetings and patient appointments were replaced by remote assessments. We aim to investigate how remote assessments affected patients, health care professionals and the health Read more >


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