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Projects 141 to 150 of 663

Routine screening with MRI in First Episode Psychosis

Current national guidelines recommend that Magnetic Resonance Imaging is not used as a routine part of the initial investigations for the management of first episode psychosis. We will examine the adherence Read more >

CRIS-HFEA: Developing a linked research database between South London and Maudsley NHS Trust (SLaM) and the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA)

This project aims to link the CRIS and Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) datasets. We believe it will be the first undertaking of its kind to demonstrate the use of Read more >

Prediction of subsequent high-intensity care shortly after referral

We previously found that a range of characteristics collected in the first three months after first SLaM contact could be put together to predict those who went on to need higher Read more >

Investigating risk-taking behaviours in bipolar disorder using Natural Language Processing

The project will form part of a PhD thesis which is investigating the language of risk-taking in bipolar disorder across different contexts (interviews, social media and medical records.) The project Read more >

Sociodemographic, deprivation and service-related determinants of inpatient use among people with severe mental illness

People living with severe mental illnesses (SMI) are more likely to use psychiatric inpatient services than the general population. The frequency of hospital admissions can be a reliable indicator of relapse Read more >

Understanding the relationship between sociodemographic factors, pathways to care and treatment delays for psychosis

People experiencing first episode psychosis (FEP) do better and have an increased chance of recovery when they get treatment earlier. Several research studies have shown that people from minority ethnic groups Read more >

Is this all there is to see? Uncovering mood symptoms in psychotic disorder

This project aims to explore the symptom profile of individuals with a psychotic disorder and the impact of that on their treatment. Read more >

Evaluating the discontinuation rates of the two-injection aripiprazole long-acting injection initiation regime.

Aripiprazole long-acting injection is an effective medication for treating schizophrenia, and a new regime for initiating aripiprazole has been licensed. The project aims to assess whether the two-injection regime improves discontinuation Read more >

Late Onset Affective Disorders as a Prodrome for Progressive Cognitive Decline and Dementia

The body of evidence and understanding of late onset depression as a prodrome for dementia is increasing, however we still lack understanding about other late onset affective disorders. I would like Read more >

Understanding child and adolescent depression pathways

We recently conducted a descriptive analysis of care pathways for children and adolescents with depression in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT). This project will replicate this descriptive analysis in Read more >


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