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Projects 181 to 190 of 663

Mothers in treatment for substance use: using electronic records to understand individual and treatment characteristics associated with childcare and maternal outcomes

Research shows that many mothers receiving treatment for substance use had experienced the loss of care of at least one of their children. We want to understand what factors might increase Read more >

How is the term “Acute behavioural disturbance” being used in clinical practice?

Acute Behavioural Disturbance (ABD) has been newly included as an “under-recognised syndrome” in the latest Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines, but its use remains controversial in the psychiatric and wider medical literature. This Read more >

Ascertaining long Covid and its correlates in CRIS

'Long Covid' is likely to be a common occurrence over the next months/years, but we know very little about it in mental healthcare or how best to detect it in CRIS Read more >

Developing better understanding and management of pain in mental health services

Chronic pain and mental illness and appear to commonly co-occur. Despite this, people living with mental illness and chronic pain appear to have difficulty accessing pain services. Moreover, little is known Read more >

Using linked hospitalisation (HES) and mortality data to identify outcomes of those with SMI, comparing groups with/without diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is more common than expected in people with severe mental illness (SMI) and they also appear to have worse outcomes. My aim is to investigate what Read more >

Liason and Diversion services

Using the CRIS database we will identify all people who have made use of Liaison and Diversion services in SLaM. We will characterise this sample, look at their primary diagnosis, demographic Read more >

Mental health disorders and outcomes of prostate, breast and colorectal cancer

We know that cancer mortality is higher than it should be in people with mental health disorders; however, cancer occurrence appears to be relatively low and it doesn't seem to be Read more >

Using CRIS to estimate incidence of psychosis: a 10-year follow up study

This project is linked to a previously approved project "Using CRIS to estimate incidence of psychosis". The current study is a 10-year follow up study of patients identified through CRIS as Read more >

Exploring inequalities in access to specialised psychological therapies for people of ethnic minority groups: a data linkage study

Striking inequalities persist in health outcomes for people of minority groups despite adjustment for socioeconomic and demographic factors. Women from all ethnic minority groups are consistently less likely to be Read more >

Surveillance for self-harm presentations over the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

There have been concerns about self-harm and whether presentations might have increased because of multiple stresses experienced by SLaM's local population as part of the COVID-19 pandemic. This project will continue Read more >


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