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Projects 511 to 520 of 663

Understanding How Medication Non-Adherence is Managed Once Patients are Admitted onto an Acute Psychiatric Ward

This study aims to build a classification of ward staff and patient behaviours related to medication during the first week of admission and identify their frequency of occurrence. Read more >

Comparison of Clinical Outcomes Between People with Brief Limited Intermittent Psychotic Symptoms (BLIP) and Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder

This study will investigate whether Brief Limited Intermittent Psychotic Episode is a misdiagnosed Acute and Transient Psychotic Disorder. Read more >

Usefulness of HONOS as Outcome Measure in Perinatal Psychiatry

This study will evaluate whether changes in mean total HONOS score or changes in individual HONOS scales are meaningful outcomes for assessing change. Read more >

Incidence, Treatment Trajectories, Prognosis, and Mortality of Cancer for People with Serious Mental Illness

Using a 3-way linkage between CRIS, Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), and Cancer registry data, the study will compare people with and without serous mental illness on cancer diagnosis, treatment, and mortality. Read more >

Dementia Diagnosis Recording in Hospitalisation and Death Certification Records

To investigate, in people who have received a dementia diagnosis in mental healthcare, how often that diagnosis is present in hospitalisation and/or death certificate records. Read more >

An Examination of How Gypsies, Roma and Travellers Access Mental Health Services and their Clinical Outcomes

This study aims to investigate the demographic profile and experiences of access and treatment for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) populations within SLaM, in comparison with a matched group of non-GRT Read more >

Development of a Preference Based Outcome Measure for Use in Economic Evaluations of Mental Health

This study aims to explore the mathematical relationship between the HoNOS and the EQ-5D by multivariate analysisto create a shortened version of the HoNOS which can be used in economic evaluations Read more >

Is Delay within SLaM Related to Clinical Outcomes for an Early Intervention Service (EIS)?

This study aims to ascertain the relationship between the first referral to SL&M and first referral to an EIS interval and change in HoNOS scores, controlling for context, both within the Read more >

Understanding Variations in Self-Harm Rates Between Deprived Areas in London

This study aims to: 1. Calculate and compare age and sex standardised rates of attendance at A&E for episodes of self-harm & overall A&E attendance Read more >


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