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Projects 51 to 60 of 688

What is the prevalence of child to parent violence in families currently open to CAMHS, and what child characteristics are associated with child to parent violence?

There is very little research on the prevalence of child to parent violence in the UK. This project will estimate the prevalence of child to parent violence within a UK clinical Read more >

What happens to the Mental Health of Children and Young People whilst they wait for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services?

This project aims to understand factors that determine how a young person progresses as they wait for a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services assessment in order to identify opportunities to Read more >

Living Well with Psychosis: Enriched Packages of Social Care

This study will assemble information about individuals with psychosis through demographic and social variables and area level characteristics, as well as assessing the uptake and capture of social indicators by clinicians. Read more >

Impact of specialist self-harm outpatient service provision on patterns of health service use

Patients who self-harm have increased morbidity across a wide range of health outcomes and increased health service use and costs. We will investigate if receiving care from a specialist outpatient self-harm Read more >

Mental health service use, religious beliefs, and faith communities – an examination of electronic health records from child and adolescent mental health services

Little is known about the role that religion and faith communities play when people are accessing secondary mental health services. This mixed methods project will explore how patients accessing Child and Read more >

How do referral source and sociodemographic characteristics impact on referral decisions, waiting times and number of re-referrals to child and adolescent mental health services?

There has been a steady increase in Child and Adolescent Mental Health service referrals (Children’s Commissioner, 2021), yet variable access to services which raises concern that not all are able to Read more >

Herpes zoster vaccine exposure and dementia outcome

There have been suggestions that the vaccine for herpes zoster (shingles) might offer health protection, including a lower risk of dementia; however, dementia outcomes haven't been investigated. The vaccine was offered Read more >

Developing an individualised prognostic model to prediction of a future personality disorder diagnosis.

Despite the malleability of borderline personality traits in youth and early adolescence, there are no existing prognostic prediction models for any personality disorder. Prediction modelling techniques and electronic health record data Read more >

Predictors of long-term outcome in the GAP/EU-GEI FEP cohort

Mounting evidence has challenged the old concept that schizophrenia is a chronic disorder with an inevitable deteriorating course; however, more evidence is needed to develop a more optimistic treatment and management Read more >

Assessing the cost of inequality in patients with comorbid type 2 diabetes mellitus and severe mental illness

Severe mental illness is a cause and consequence of health inequalities which increase health service use and costs, especially in highly costly diseases as type 2 diabetes. This project will examine Read more >


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