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Project Details


Determining temporal information in clinical text

Lead Applicant Name :
Sumithra Velupillai
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Viani N, Botelle R, Kerwin J, Lin L, Patel R, Stewart R, Velupillai S. (2020) A Natural Language Processing Approach for Identifying Temporal Disease Onset Information from Mental Healthcare Text. Scientific Reports.<br/><br/>Viani N, Kam J, Yin L, Bittar A, Dutta R, Patel R, Stewart R, Velupillai S. (2020) Temporal Information Extraction from Mental Health Records to Identify Duration of Untreated Psychosis. Journal of biomedical semantics
Lay Summary :
Natural language processing techniques have been successfully developed to extract clinical concepts such as symptoms (hallucinations), treatments (clozapine) and diagnoses (schizophrenia) from health record text such as data from CRIS, but these methods don’t currently capture the timing of these events. We will seek to develop methods that can ascertain when a symptom or treatment happened, finding time information (dates, durations), relevant concepts (symptoms, treatments), and linking these together.<br/>