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Project Details


Does the ethnicity or gender of a patient influence prescribing of the antipsychotic clozapine to people with treatment resistant schizophrenia

Lead Applicant Name :
Richard Hayes
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Wellesley-Wesley E, Patel I, Scalzo-Kadra G, Pritchard M, Shetty H, Broadbent M, Segev A, Patel R, Downs J, Maccabe J, Hayes R, Fonseca de Freitas D. (2021) Gender disparities in clozapine prescription in a cohort of treatment-resistant schizophrenia in the South London and Maudsley case register. Schizophrenia Research.
Lay Summary :
This project aims to understand if there are ethnic differences in prescribing clozapine and how these might be explained, using data from people who received treatment in SLaM. The literature on gender inequalities in the prescribing of clozapine is scarce, but some few studies report that women are less likely to be prescribed clozapine.<br/>