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Project Details


Physical Activity recording and association with outcomes among individuals with Mental Illness

Lead Applicant Name :
Garcia Ashdown-Franks
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Ashdown-Franks G, Sabiston CM, Stewart R, Stubbs B. (2020) Predictors of physical activity recording in routine mental healthcare Mental Health and Physical Activity.<br/><br/>Ashdown-Franks G, Sabiston CM, Stubbs B, Atkinson M, Stewart R. "Triggered by the sound of other runners". An exploration of parkrun mentions in mental health hospital records in the UK. Mental Health and Physical Activity 2022.
Lay Summary :
Physical activity is beneficial for health and wellbeing, yet people with mental illness typically engage in low levels and the barriers, facilitators and relationship with health in routine care is unknown. This project will analyze recording of physical activity with patients, barriers, facilitators and how this is related to health and wellbeing.<br/>