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Project Details


Deriving occupations from CRIS electronic records from the free text

Lead Applicant Name :
Natasha Chilman
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Chilman-MacIntyre Gray N, Song X, Tolani E, Stewart R, Chui Z, Birnie K, Aschan-Harber L, Gazard B, Chandran D, Sanyal J, Hatch S, Kolliakou A, Das-Munschi J. (2020) Text-mining occupations from the mental health electronic health record: a natural language processing approach using records from the Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) platform in south London, UK. BMJ Open
Lay Summary :
Details of patient’s occupations are often found in the free-text fields of CRIS electronic health records, therefore the extraction and analysis of occupation poses a challenge for researchers. We are developing and evaluating an application to extract occupation information from CRIS with a view to mapping onto occupational social class schema, and investigating relationships between occupational social class and health & service outcomes.<br/>