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Project Details


Using CRIS to estimate incidence of psychosis: a 10-year follow up study

Lead Applicant Name :
Craig Morgan
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Lay Summary :
This project is linked to a previously approved project "Using CRIS to estimate incidence of psychosis". The current study is a 10-year follow up study of patients identified through CRIS as having a first episode of psychosis between May 2010 to April 2012. The aims of this second phase are to: 1) compare this incidence data with incidence data from 15 other catchment areas across 6 countries, to determine whether incidence varies by person and place; and 2) to obtain new information on this sample for several outcomes of interest, including, number of readmissions, length of stay, pathways to care, in order to identify factors associated with these outcomes.