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Project Details


Understanding Variations in Self-Harm Rates Between Deprived Areas in London

Lead Applicant Name :
Catherine Polling
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Lay Summary :
This study aims to: <br/><br/>1. Calculate and compare age and sex standardised rates of attendance at A&E for episodes of self-harm & overall A&E attendance rates at LSOA level. <br/><br/>2. Test whether the ethnicity and marital status of those presenting explains differences in rates of presentation. <br/><br/>3. Test the relationship between Index of Multiple Deprivation and self-harm and identify clusters of deprived LSOAs with high and low rates.<br/><br/>4. Produce descriptive statistics on additional characteristics of those presenting with self-harm in two case study areas identified by above analyses.<br/><br/>5. Test hypotheses from literature and case studies regarding area-level factors associated with rates of self-harm and develop a typology of area characteristics.