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Project Details


Mental and Physical Health in Lambeth

Lead Applicant Name :
Charlotte Woodhead
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Cardiovascular disease treatment among severe mental illness patients: a data linkage Study Hotopf.M.H., Woodhead.C., Ashworth.M., Broadbent.M., Callard.F.J., Schofield.P., Soncul.M., Stewart.R.J.,& Henderson.M. 26 Jan 2016 In: British Journal of General Practice. P 1-16 INPRESS<br/><br/>
Lay Summary :
We wish to carry out a series of database studies looking at physical health care delivery to people with severe mental illness (SMI). In particular, we are interested in comparing the physical health care of patients in Lambeth, South East London who are either cared for solely in primary care, solely under the care of psychiatrists (secondary care) or cared for in both settings. We wish to extract primary care data (from the Lambeth DataNet database) and link this to psychiatric data from South London and Maudsley hospital (SLaM) (using data from CRIS, the Case Register Interactive Search system database) to create an anonymised dataset for a health inequality audit. Specifically, in order to: a) verify diagnoses and b) chart patients’ physical health care in both primary and secondary care settings.