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Project Details


Risk of readmission following contact with Crisis Resolution and Home treatment Teams

Lead Applicant Name :
Chin-Kuo Chang
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Lay Summary :
Crisis resolution and home treatment teams (CRTs) were implemented nationally in the UK<br/>following The NHS Plan in 2000. Crisis teams aim to offer an alternative to hospital admission<br/>during mental health crises, providing rapid assessment, home treatment, and facilitation of early<br/>discharge from hospital. Findings regarding the effectiveness of CRTs in reducing number of<br/>hospital admissions have been mixed, showing that CRTs did not always lead to reducing<br/>admission rates. Variables that have been found to be associated with hospital admission in the<br/>short-term following contact with CRTs include social deprivation, suicidal ideation and previous<br/>hospital admissions. We will further investigate how CRTs works for the risk of readmission in the<br/>setting of SLAM in southeast London.