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Project Details


Markers of hospitalisation patterns according to dementia severity

Lead Applicant Name :
Usha Gungabissoon
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Gungabissoon U, Perera G, Galwey NW, Stewart R. (2020) The association between dementia severity and hospitalisation profile in a newly assessed clinical cohort: The South London and Maudsley case register. BMJ Open
Lay Summary :
There is little information available from routine healthcare data resources on the stages of deterioration in dementia (mild, moderate and severe) and/or the duration of each stage, despite the very large numbers of people affected and their importance for health and social care costs. This study aims to develop a mechanism to determine stage of and progression of dementia in clinical records databases based on comorbidities and patterns of primary/acute care service use. <br/>