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Project Details


Validation of a novel Anticholinergic effect on cognition scale (V-AEC)

Lead Applicant Name :
Christoph Mueller
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Bishara D, Perera G, Harwood D, Taylor D, Sauer J, Funnell N, Gee S, Stewart R, Mueller C. (2021) Centrally- acting anticholinergic drugs-associations with mortality, hospitalisation and cognitive decline following dementia diagnosis in people receiving antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs. Aging and Mental Health.<br/><br/>Bishara D, Perera G, Harwood D, Taylor D, Sauer J, Funnell N, Stewart R, Mueller C. (2021) Centrally Acting Anticholinergic Drugs Used for Urinary Conditions Associated with worse outcomes in dementia. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
Lay Summary :
Anticholinergic drugs are commonly used in older people to treat conditions like urinary incontinence, depression, and heart or lung problems. Research has shown that these can worsen dementia or are associated with a higher risk of death. The aim of this study is to investigate the use of anticholinergic medication in people presenting to dementia assessment services and how good a new scale might predict adverse outcomes.<br/>