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Project Details


Morbidity and mortality of patients suffering from eating disorders

Lead Applicant Name :
Hubertus Himmerich
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Himmerich H, Hotopf MH, Shetty H, Schmidt UH, Treasure JL, Hayes RD, Stewart R, Chang C-K. (2019) Psychiatric comorbidity as a risk factor for the mortality of people with bulimia nervosa. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology; 54: 813-821<br/><br/>Himmerich H, Hotopf MH, Shetty H, Schmidt UH, Treasure JL, Hayes RD, Stewart R, Chang C-K. (2019) Psychiatric comorbidity as a risk factor for the mortality of people with anorexia nervosa. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience; 269: 351-359<br/><br/>Cliffe C, Shetty H, Himmerich H, Schmidt U, Stewart R, Dutta R. (2020) Suicide attempts requiring hospitalization in patients with eating disorders: A retrospective cohort study International Journal of Eating Disorders<br/><br/>
Lay Summary :
Not enough is known about the health of people with eating disorders. The project will investigate both the level of health at the time of clinical presentation and longer term health outcomes following this. <br/>