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Project Details


Inequalities in secondary mental health use

Lead Applicant Name :
Billy Gazard
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Chui Z, Gazard B, MacCrimmon S, Harwood H, Downs J, Bakolis I, Polling K, Rhead R, Hatch S. (2020) Inequalities in referral pathways for young people accessing secondary mental health services in south east London. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Journal.
Lay Summary :
Inequalities in health service use are often generated by barriers that arise in interactions between patients and healthcare providers. As part of a study tackling inequalities in health services, this project seeks to use CRIS to identify how secondary service access, patterns of referral and treatment type differ across disorders by key social demographic characteristics, such as gender, ethnicity and educational attainment.<br/>