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Project Details


Advancing Psychiatric Mapping Translated into Innovations for Care: PsyMaptic-A

Lead Applicant Name :
Rebecca Dliwayo
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Lay Summary :
Original policy implementation guidance failed to account for differences in the number of new cases of psychotic disorders by location, sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors. Having developed the PsyMaptic tool (, we aim to: 1) Update current models to forecast demand for Early Intervention in Psychosis services based on future population projections; 2) Incorporate new research information in order to enhance the predictive ability of models; 3) Validate all models (current & new) using observed count data (including CRIS); 4)Develop models that predict future numbers of all existing (new and old) cases of psychosis at local, regional and national levels.<br/>