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Project Details


The impact of early dementia diagnosis on care outcomes

Lead Applicant Name :
Elyse Couch
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Couch E, Mueller C, Perera G, Lawrence V, Prina M. (2021) The Association between a Previous Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment as a Proxy for an Early Diagnosis of Dementia and Mortality: A Study of Secondary Care Electronic Health Records. Journal of Alzheimers Disease.
Lay Summary :
It is thought that diagnosing dementia as early as possible can lead to better outcomes for those living with the disease. This project aims to understand whether people who are diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, which is considered a precursor to dementia, before being diagnosed with dementia are more likely to have better outcomes than people who received a dementia diagnosis at first contact with memory services.<br/>