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Project Details


The profile of alcohol use in suicidal crisis (Place of Safety)

Lead Applicant Name :
John Robins
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Robins J, Morley K, Hayes R, Ross K, Pritchard M, Curtis V, Kalk N. (2021)<br/>Alcohol dependence and heavy episodic drinking are associated with different levels of risk of death or repeat emergency service attendance after a suicide attempt.<br/><br/>Drug and Alcohol Dependence<br/><br/><br/>
Lay Summary :
Over half of the people who receive crisis care at the SLaM Place of Safety following a suicide attempt are intoxicated with alcohol. This project will identify different patterns of alcohol use in this group of service users, and the clinical profiles and care pathways which are most associated with repeated use of emergency psychiatric care, and premature death.<br/>