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Project Details


A Comparison of Mental State Examinations Recorded by Junior Doctors Before and After the Introduction of a Structured Assessment Tool

Lead Applicant Name :
Philip Brittain
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
A Comparison of Mental State Examination Documentation by Junior Clinicians in Electronic Health Recrods before and after the Introduction of a Semi-Structured Assessment Template (OPCRIT+) <br/>Lobo, S.E.M., Rucker, J., Kerr, M., Gallo. F., Constable, G., Hotopf. M., Stewart. R., Broadbent. M., Baggaley. M., Lovestone. S., McGuffin. P., Amarasinghe. M., Newman. S., Schumann. G., Brittain. P.J. 19 May 2015 In: Internation Jounral of Medical Informatics. IN PRESS.
Lay Summary :
This study aims to establish whether the use of OPCRIT improves the quality of recording of mental state examinations by junior doctors within SLaM.