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Project Details


Validating HES Discharge Diagnostic Data for Mental Disorders and Dementias

Lead Applicant Name :
Katrina Davis
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Davis KAS, Bashford O, Jewell A, Shetty H, Stewart R, Sudlow C, Hotopf M. (2019) The Validity of Selected Mental Health Diagnoses in English Hospital Episode Statistics: Using data linkage to Clinical Records Interactive Search at South London and Maudsley - Full Report on work funded by UK Biobank at the Maudsley BRC.
Lay Summary :
This study uses linked CRIS and HES data to investigate the validity of diagnoses recorded on HES. Alongside this, we would like to look at the timeline of a diagnosis, to look at the stability of diagnoses, how likely they are to change over time.