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The Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) system has been developed for use within our NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre. It provides authorised researchers with regulated access to anonymised information extracted from the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust) electronic clinical records system.

CRIS will help us to look at real life situations in large quantities. This means it's easier to see patterns and trends - for example what treatments work for some and don't work for others.

Applications to access CRIS and the analyses carried out using CRIS are closely reviewed, monitored and audited by a CRIS Oversight Committee, which carries representation from the SLaM Cauldicott Guardian and is chaired by a service user. The CRIS Oversight Committee is responsible for ensuring all research applications comply with ethical and legal guidelines.

CRIS was developed with extensive service user involvement and adheres to strict governance frameworks managed by service users. It has passed a robust ethics approval process acutely attentive to the use of patient data. The data is used in an entirely anonymised and data-secure format and all patients have the choice to opt-out of their anonymised data being used.

We believe CRIS can make a real and positive difference to future treatments and care.

For more information about CRIS visit our pages at the NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre website.

You can find out about curent patient involvement opportunities here

Please contact us if you have any questions or do not wish to have your records in CRIS.
