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Projects 311 to 320 of 663

'Examining Clinicians' use of language in Assessing Suicide Risk'

Clinicians might use more 'distancing' language such as a higher frequency of reported speech or third person pronoun use when a patient is deemed to be more at risk of suicide Read more >

Factors predicting diabetes and its outcomes in people newly presenting with severe mental illness.

The aim of the investigation is to investigate the emergence of diabetes in people over the years after first presentation with severe mental illnesses (e.g. schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder) Read more >

Does comorbidity of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder affect Cognitive Behavioural Therapy outcomes for patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

This project will investigate the effect of co-occurring Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on treatment outcomes for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) over a course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. This could potentially have both Read more >

Evaluating changes in creatine phosphokinase (CPK) following clozapine initiation

CPK, a marker of muscle breakdown, may increase following clozapine initiation but the magnitude and significance of these changes are not fully understood. This project aims to examine the patterns of Read more >

Does the ethnicity or gender of a patient influence prescribing of the antipsychotic clozapine to people with treatment resistant schizophrenia

This project aims to understand if there are ethnic differences in prescribing clozapine and how these might be explained, using data from people who received treatment in SLaM. The literature Read more >

The association between ethnicity and pathways to care on dementia mortality and other outcomes

The aim of the project is to explore whether there is an association between clinical outcomes (such as mortality), pathways to care, and ethnicity in the South London dementia population. The Read more >

Depression and risk factors for stroke recurrence

Depression commonly occurs after a stroke but we don't fully understand its role as a risk factor for recurrence of stroke. We will investigate this in people with depression who have Read more >


A newly developed method called polygenic risk score (PRS) allow us summarise individual risks for an illness across associated genetic variants into a quantitative score. The objective of the project is Read more >

ONS census-CRIS data linkage: social and economic predictors for onset and outcomes of the mental disorders, SEP-MD study

This project will link data from UK decennial census to SLaM CRIS, permitting an assessment of individual-level social indicators (such as occupation, household poverty, migration status) associated with onset and outcomes Read more >

The impact of early dementia diagnosis on care outcomes

It is thought that diagnosing dementia as early as possible can lead to better outcomes for those living with the disease. This project aims to understand whether people who are diagnosed Read more >


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