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Projects 611 to 620 of 663

Factors associated with the recall of patients discharged from medium secure units subject to a Section 37/41 restriction.

To identify a cohort of individuals conditionally discharged from medium secure care under a Section 37/41 restriction. The cohort will be examined to determine the rate of recall to medium secure Read more >

Electronic Health Records to Predict HOspitalised Suicide Attempts: Targeting Information Technology Solutions (e-HOST-IT)

This study aims to investigate if using structured and free-text electronic patient record data from CRIS can enhance the predictive potential of known risk factors for serious suicide attempts and completed Read more >

Consent for Consent Research Pilot

This study aims to ascertain numbers of people on the Consent for Contact (C4C) register, participation rates, and recorded stipulations. Read more >

Improving Physical Health and Reducing Substance Use in Severe Mental Illness: A Randomised Controlled Trial (IMPACT RCT)

This study aims to ascertain the HONOS scores and weight measurements from the caseload of each care coordinator involved in the IMPACT study. Read more >

Mood and Personality Longitudinal Evaluation (MAPLE) MAPCAG Longitudinal Evaluation

To describe and analyse outcomes of the introduction of the MAPCAG Read more >

Predicting Diagnostic Delay in Bipolar Disorder

This study aims to investigate how clinical and demographic factors contribute towards a delay in diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Read more >

Corticosteroids and Child Mental Health

This study aims to assess how many children and young people who have been prescribed oral corticosteroids are referred to child psychiatric services, what their main problems are and how they Read more >

Autism, Ethnicity and Immigration

This project will investigate whether a correlation exists between Autism Spectrum Disorder in children and theimmigration status of the mother, and will compare ethnic backgrounds of children affected by Autism Spectrum Read more >

Clinical and Behavioural Factors which Predict Length of Admission in a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital

The objective of this research is to identify the characteristics and needs of longer-stay patients in a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital. Consistent with this objective, this research aims to investigate whether admission Read more >

Predicting from DAWBA Diagnosis to Medication Use and Response

The Development and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA) is an online interview that can be completed by up to six informants (self-report, up to two teachers, up to 3 parents or other carers).The Read more >


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