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Area-level socio-environmental factors and suicidal ideation in young people with mental illness
Ethnicity and externalizing behaviors in children: a disparity study of the clinical journey.
Understanding the effects of neighbourhood characteristics and ethnicity on long-term outcomes of psychosis: a longitudinal study of rural and urban populations
A shortcut to understanding child maltreatment and mental health outcomes? A quantitative examination of the “toxic trio”
Cardiometabolic and inflammatory changes in serious mental illness: descriptive and predictive work, including genetic associations.
Hyperemesis gravidarum and mental health outcomes
Which patients with dementia are at greatest risk of a mental health crisis
Mortality monitoring in mental healthcare during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
Mortality in people with dementia admitted to psychiatric wards
Crisis care for people with complex emotional needs or a diagnosis of ‘personality disorder’: a study of crisis care pathways and outcomes
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