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Please contact the CRIS Administrator for further details on existing projects or to apply to use CRIS for your own study. Email:
Mothers in treatment for substance use: using electronic records to understand individual and treatment characteristics associated with childcare and maternal outcomes
How is the term “Acute behavioural disturbance” being used in clinical practice?
Ascertaining long Covid and its correlates in CRIS
Developing better understanding and management of pain in mental health services
Using linked hospitalisation (HES) and mortality data to identify outcomes of those with SMI, comparing groups with/without diabetes
Liason and Diversion services
Mental health disorders and outcomes of prostate, breast and colorectal cancer
Using CRIS to estimate incidence of psychosis: a 10-year follow up study
Exploring inequalities in access to specialised psychological therapies for people of ethnic minority groups: a data linkage study
Surveillance for self-harm presentations over the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
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