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Project Details


Prevalence of Smoking and Incidence of Lung Cancer among People with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) in SLAM Hospital

Lead Applicant Name :
Jenny Wu
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Clinical Risk Assessment Rating and All-Cause Mortality in Secondary Mental Healthcare: The South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust Biomedical Research Centre (SLAM BRC) Case Register <br/>Wu, C. -Y., Chang, C. -K., Hayes, R. D., Broadbent, M., Hotopf, M. & Stewart, R. Aug 2012 In: Psychological Medicine. 42, 8, p. 1581-1590.<br/>(<br/><br/>Evaluation of Smoking Status Identification Using Electronic Health Records and Open-Text Information in a Large Mental Health Case Register. <br/>Wu, C-Y., Chang, C-K., Robson, D., Jackson, R., Chen, S-J., Hayes, R. D. & Stewart, R. 12 Sep 2013 In: PL o S One . 8, 9, p.e74262<br/>(
Lay Summary :
This study aims to describe smoking status in people with SMI using a natural language processing application and, numbers permitting, to investigate lung cancer incidence.