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Project Details


Catatonia – general characterisation and immune features

Lead Applicant Name :
Jonathan Rogers
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Rogers J P, Pollak T A, Begum N, Griffin A, Carter B, Pritchard M, Broadbent M, Kolliakou A, Ke J, Stewart R. (2021) Catatonia: demographic, clinical and laboratory associations | Psychological Medicine | Cambridge Core. Published online by Cambridge University Press 2021.<br/><br/>Jeyaventhan R, Thanikasalam R, Mehat M, Solmi F, Pollak T, Nicholson TR, Pritchard M, Jewell A, Kolliakou A, Amad A, Haroche A, Lewis G, Zandi MS, David AS, Rogers JP. Clinical Neuroimaging Findings in Catatonia: Neuroradiologic Reports of MRI Scans of Psychiatric Inpatients with and without Catatonia.The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2022.<br/><br/>Rogers J P, Pollak T A, Begum N, Griffin A, Carter B, Pritchard M, Broadbent M, Kolliakou A, Ke J, Stewart R. (2021) Catatonia: demographic, clinical and laboratory associations | Psychological Medicine | Cambridge Core. Published online by Cambridge University Press.<br/><br/>Dawkins E, Cruden-Smith L, Amad A, Carter B, Zandi MS, Lewis G, David A, Rogers J. Catatonia psychopathology and phenomenology in a large dataset. Frontiers in psychiatry/Frontiers research foundation. 2022<br/><br/>Yeoh SY, Roberts E, Scott F, Nicholson TR, David AS, Rogers JP. Catatonic Episodes Related to Substance Use: A Cross-Sectional Study Using Electronic Healthcare Records. Journal of Dual Diagnosis. 2022<br/><br/><br/><br/>Mastellari T, Rogers JP, Cortina-Borja M, David AS, Zandi MS, Amad A, Lewis G. Seasonality of presentation and birth catatonia. Schizophrenia Research 2023.<br/><br/>Delvi A, Wilson CA, Jasani I, Guliani J, Rao R, Seneviratne G, Rogers JP. Catatonia in the perpartum: A cohort study using electronic health records. ScienceDirect 2023<br/><br/>
Lay Summary :
Catatonia is an uncommon and poorly understood disorder characterised by abnormal movements, mutism and reduced responsiveness to the environment. We wish to examine how common catatonia is, how it is treated and what its outcome is. We will also investigate whether there are any signs of immune system abnormalities by looking at blood markers and co-occurring health conditions.<br/>