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Project Details


Alcohol and drugs of abuse in the place of safety

Lead Applicant Name :
Nicola Kalk
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Robins J, Kalk N, Ross K, Pritchard M, Curtis V, Morley K. (2021) The association of acute alcohol use and dynamic suicide risk with variation in onward care after psychiatric crisis. Drug and Alcohol Review<br/><br/>Robins J, Morley K, Hayes R, Ross K, Pritchard M, Curtis V, Kalk N. (2021) Alcohol dependence and heavy episodic drinking are associated with different levels of risk of death or repeat emergency service attendance after a suicide attempt. Drug and Alcohol Dependence Journal.<br/>
Lay Summary :
.The police can detain people under Section 136 if they are suffering from a mental illness and in immediate need of care. Little is known about the profile of drug and alcohol use in 136 attenders and the prevalence of addiction in this population. This project will investigate the characteristics of patients with comorbid substance use problems admitted to the 136 suite and the clinical care they receive there and subsequently.<br/>