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Project Details


Using routinely collected data to identify educational risk factors for serious self-harm or suicide attempts among suicidal adolescents.

Lead Applicant Name :
Johnny Downs
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Widnall E, Epstein S, Polling C, Velupillai S, Jewell A, Dutta R, Simonoff E, Stewart R, Gilbert R, Ford T, Hotopf M, Hayes RD, Downs J. Autism spectrum disorders as a risk factor for adolescent self-harm: a retrospective cohort study of 113,286 young people in the UK. BMC Medicine volume 20, Article number: 137 (2022)
Lay Summary :
Using routinely collected data from mental health, A&E, general hospital inpatient, and education records this project will explore, amongst children who have already reported suicidal ideation, which factors predict presentation to hospital with an act of self-harm or a suicide attempt.<br/>