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Project Details


Self-harm and suicidality amongst eating disorder patients: prevalence, risk factors and completed later suicide

Lead Applicant Name :
Rina Dutta
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Cliffe C, Shetty H, Himmerich H, Schmidt U, Stewart R, Dutta R. (2020) Suicide attempts requiring hospitalization in patients with eating disorders: A retrospective cohort study International Journal of Eating Disorders
Lay Summary :
Previous research shows that increased rates of self-harming and suicidality occur in those with an eating disorder diagnosis, therefore this study will look at how common self-harm and suicidality are amongst those with an eating disorder diagnosis who are under secondary mental healthcare. We will extend and validate the development work carried out in two previously approved CRIS projects (16-069 and 18-017), and will compare (1) those who self-harm, (2) those who have suicidality recorded in their clinical notes, (3) those who do not. The aim will be to clarify risks for self-harm and risks for suicidality, in those who are diagnosed with an eating disorder.<br/>