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Project Details


Adverse outcomes according to specific medication side effect profiles in older people with dementia

Lead Applicant Name :
Christoph Mueller
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Mbazira A, Bishara D, Perera G, Rawlins E, Webb S, Archer M, Balasundaram B, Shetty H, Tsamakis K, Taylor D, Sauer J, Stewart R, Mueller C. Sedation-associated medications at dementia diagnosis, their receptor activity, and associations with adverse outcomes in a large clinical cohort. JAMDA 2022 Feb 2; doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2021.12.038.
Lay Summary :
Older people and especially people with dementia often take a range of differing medications. Besides their desired effects (e.g. addressing urinary incontinence, depression, heart or lung problems) these medications often have side effects as dizziness, drowsiness, low blood pressure or worsening of memory. This study examines whether specific activiy in the brain or, more general, known frequency of these side effects predicts risk of death, hospital admission or worsening of memory.