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Project Details


Spatial Patterning of Self-Harm in South East London

Lead Applicant Name :
Catherine Polling
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Using routine clinical and administrative data to produce a dataset of attendances at Accident and Emergency Departments following self-harm.<br/>Polling C, Tulloch A, Banerjee S, Dutta R, Cross S., Dargan PI, Wood DM, Hotopf M. 2015 In: BMC Emergency Medicine, 15, 15
Lay Summary :
This study aims to calculate standardised rates of attendance at A&E for episodes of self-harm at ward or LSOA level across Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham and Croydon, to determine whether neighbourhood level characteristics including deprivation and social fragmentation explain differences in rates of self-harm presentation across the four boroughs, and to consider whether the individual characteristics of those individuals presenting account for area level differences in rates of self-harm presentation.