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Project Details


Exploring Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) in CRIS using the GATE Text Mining Framework

Lead Applicant Name :
Shammi Iqbal
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Identification of Adverse Drug Events from Free Text Electronic Patient Records and Information in a Large Mental Health Case Register Iqbal, E., Mallah, R., Jackson, R.G., Ball, M., Ibrahim, Z.M., Broadbent, M., Dzahini, O., Stewart, R., Johnston, C. & Dobson, R.J.B. 14 Aug 2015 In: PLoS ONE, 10(8): e0134208<br/><br/>Iqbal E, Govind R, Romero A, Dzahini O, Broadbent M, Stewart R, Smith T, Kum CH, Werbeloff O, Werbeloff N, MacCabe JH, Dobson RJB, Ibrahim ZM. (2020) The side effect profile of Clozapine in real world data of three large mental health hospitals. PLoS ONE.<br/>
Lay Summary :
This study aims to develop tailored GATE applications to identify specific ADRs in CRIS and to explore the use of broad biomedical ontologies such as SNOMED to explore ADR occurrence across the whole of CRIS and to relate them to other information, including medications.