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Project Details


Developing natural language processing tools to investigate alcohol and illicit substance misuse in people with serious mental illness

Lead Applicant Name :
Rashmi Patel
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Irving J, Colling C, Shetty H, Pritchard M, Stewart R, Fusar-Poli P, McGuire P, Patel R. (2021) Gender differences in clinical presentation and illicit substance use during first episode psychosis: a natural language processing, electronic case register study. BMJ Open
Lay Summary :
A number of studies have highlighted the risks associated with alcohol and illicit substances in relation to serious mental illness. The role of cannabis has been investigated in a previous study using CRIS but less is known about alcohol and other illicit substances such as opiates, cocaine, amphetamines, ketamine and novel psychoactive substances. In this study, I aim to develop natural language processing (NLP) tools to identify alcohol and illicit substance use from free text electronic health records and apply these tools to investigate the association of alcohol/illicit substance use with clinical outcomes in people with serious mental illness.