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Project Details


The utility and feasibility of data extraction in patient case registers to identify treatment pathways for veterans who access secondary mental health care services: a feasibility study

Lead Applicant Name :
Sharon Stevelink
Project Type :
Approval Date :
References :
Leightley D, Pernet D, Velupillai S, Stewart R, Mark K, Opie-Bassano E, Murphy D, Townsend-Fear N, Stevelink S. (2020) The Development of the Military Service Identification Tool: Identifying Military Veterans in a Clinical Research Database using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning JMIR Medical Informatics.<br/><br/>Mark K, Leightley D, Pernet D, Murphy D, Stevelink S, Fear Townsend N, (2019) Identifying veterans using electronic health records in the United Kingdom: A feasibility study. Healthcare(Basel, Switzerland)<br/><br/>Williamson C, Palmer L, Leightley D, Pernet D, Chandran D, Leal R, Murphy D, Fear NT, Stevelink S. Military veterans and civilians mental health diagnoses: an analysis of secondary mental health services. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2022.<br/><br/>Leightley D, Palmer L, Williamson C, Leal R, Chandran D, Murphy D, Fear N, Stevelink S. Identifying military service status in electronic healthcare records from psychiatric secondary healthcare services: A validation exercise using the military service identification tool. Healthcare 2023<br/>
Lay Summary :
The study will examine the utility and feasibility of extracting patient data from two different case registers, which include data on veterans and non-veterans who access secondary mental health care services. <br/>