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Projects 231 to 240 of 663

Health outcomes after bariatric surgery for patients with mental health problems compared with the general population.

There is limited information and data about health outcomes after bariatric surgery for patients with mental health conditions compared to the general population in the UK. Using linked data, this Read more >

Health outcomes after cardiac surgery for patients with mental health problems compared with general population.

There is limited information and data about health outcomes after cardiac surgery for patients with mental health conditions compared to the general population in the UK. Using linked data, this Read more >

Comparison of smoking attributable hospital admission for people with mental health conditions with general population.

Smoking prevalence among people with mental health conditions are higher than general population and Smoking prevalence is significantly higher in people admitted to hospital than the general UK population. However, Read more >

Sociodemographic predictors of referral acceptance into Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)

Previous health inequalities research suggests that access to mental health services may vary according to key sociodemographic characteristics such as ethnicity; this project will investigate this in relation to referral acceptance Read more >

Ethnicity and involuntary hospital admissions in individuals accessing first episode psychosis services

The project is based on individuals accessing first episode psychosis services over a three-year period, between Jan 1st 2016-Jan 1st 2019. The project will investigate differences in involuntary hospital admissions between Read more >

‘Prevalence of affective disorders in first episode psychosis services’

The project is based on individuals accessing first episode psychosis services between Jan 1st 2016-Jan 1st 2019. The project will look at proportions of individuals in these services who are diagnosed Read more >

Examining school absence as a predictor of self-harm in adolescents: A series of longitudinal studies using linked mental health and education data

Self-harm is common in adolescents and to prevent it, we need to find ways to identify groups at higher risk as early as possible. This study will use routinely collected data Read more >

Ethnic inequalities in mortality and service use in people with mental disorders and multimorbidities during the COVID-19 pandemic: Mixed methods study

We will use data from CRIS to assess how service use and deaths changed in people living with mental disorders and multimorbidities, with a focus on whether the advent of the Read more >

The SLaM CAMHS Covid -19 study

Despite the concern about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on CYP(children and young people) mental health, to date there are very few systematic data for CYP already experiencing mental health Read more >

Adverse outcomes according to specific medication side effect profiles in older people with dementia

Older people and especially people with dementia often take a range of differing medications. Besides their desired effects (e.g. addressing urinary incontinence, depression, heart or lung problems) these medications often have Read more >


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