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The utility and feasibility of data extraction in patient case registers to identify treatment pathways for veterans who access secondary mental health care services: a feasibility study
Developing natural language processing tools to investigate alcohol and illicit substance misuse in people with serious mental illness
CATCh-uS: Children and Adolescents with ADHD in transition from child to adult services.
Multi-morbidity and polypharmacy as predictors of treatment and health outcomes in dementia (MPOD)
Which antipsychotics are most efficacious in people with first episode psychosis who use cannabis?
Recording of dementia diagnosis in general hospital settings: Retrospective cohort study
Mirtazapine use in adolescents and risk of suicidality
Diagnostic instability in psychotic disorders – do patients with changing diagnoses have worse clinical outcomes?
Use of the mental health act in South London: comparing and contrasting the four boroughs
The use of Community Treatment Orders in psychosis and associated patient outcomes
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